Northman & Sterling

France’s 2024 Immigration Reform: Key Highlights and Impacts

On January 27, 2024, France introduced a major new immigration law that’s already in effect. This law marks a significant shift in how France manages immigration, focusing on integrating foreign nationals and addressing irregular migration with practical measures.

What's New in the Law?

Here’s a concise overview of the major changes introduced:

French Proficiency Requirements

As of March 11, 2024, the law introduces clear language rules. By 2026, to get certain long-term residence permits, you must prove you speak French at an A2 level. Otherwise, you’ll need to keep renewing a temporary permit with stricter rules. Moreover, to apply for a 10-year residency card or French citizenship, you must reach higher French language levels. This shows the importance of good French speaking skills for a successful life in France.

The Road to the Law

This law didn’t just appear overnight. It followed a thorough process, being passed by France’s Parliament in December 2023 and reviewed by the Constitutional Council, which adjusted several provisions to ensure fairness and legal standards.

Looking Ahead

The real impact of these changes on both the French workforce and the wider community will unfold over time. This law is a step towards balancing immigration control with the need for integration, reflecting France’s commitment to both its values and its economic needs. As France embarks on this new path, it’s an adjustment period for everyone, with the promise of building a more integrated and cohesive society.