Northman & Sterling

British Government Announces Changes to UK Visitor Visa Policy

The UK government made changes to the visitor visa policy, allowing visitors to work during their stay without needing a separate work visa. This change eliminates old restrictions, letting family visitors and holiday tourists work while they travel. Key aspects of this policy changes include:

  • The standard visitor visa costs £100 and allows a 6-month stay in the UK.
  • Visitors can now work in the UK as long as work is not their primary visit purpose.
  • The Permitted Paid Engagement Visitor route is now part of the Standard Visitor route, so all visitors can do permitted paid work without a special visa.
  • Professions such as archaeologists, artists, entertainers, and musicians will be affected by this change.

The objective of this new policy is to streamline the process for visitors to engage in work in the UK, potentially contributing to the country’s economy and fostering cultural exchange.