Northman & Sterling

Qatar announced New Residence Permit for Skilled individuals and Entrepreneurs.


Qatar has introduced a new program offering a five-year residence permit to skilled professionals and entrepreneurs. This move aims to encourage talented individuals to live and work in Qatar, contributing to the country’s development. The program will start taking applications soon.

The Initiative

This initiative allows skilled individuals and entrepreneurs to become part of Qatar’s growth. It offers them a chance for a stable life and to invest in the country. Qatar is looking to attract talent and business minds to boost its economy and innovation.

Who Can Apply?

Documentation and Process

Applicants will need to provide a range of documents, including a valid passport, a digital photo, a conduct certificate, and possibly a personal bank statement. Specific requirements may vary based on the applicant’s category and whether they are applying from within or outside Qatar.

Application Steps and Fees

The fee is QAR 4,000 for skilled individuals and QAR 5,000 for entrepreneurs.

Significance and Future Prospects

This program  highlights Qatar’s commitment to economic diversification and attract skilled people and investors.  More details are expected to be disclosed as the launch date for applications approaches, likely in the upcoming months.